Find the detailed schedule below.
What is TEDxTUWien 2022 about?
Event (11th December 2022)
Welcome to the 5th edition of TEDTUWien Talks – Turning Points; Our Future, Our Responsibility!
The complexity of our systems is on the rise as our world is changing faster than ever. Ideas worth spreading can support this change in a responsible way with respect to the needs of present and future generations.
Ideas we never thought possible are now a reality. It is up to us to break away from the old and be brave enough to come up with novel approaches, transform threats into opportunities, raise awareness and educate our communities about the possibilities while focusing on thoughtful and sustainable solutions. The future is here, let’s make it bright!
A well-designed program leads you through two main sessions of exciting TEDTUWien Talks and outstanding performances in the breathtaking Kuppelsaal at TU Wien.
The event will be kicked off by an energetic coffee and networking session!
DATE: December 11th, 2022
TIME: 10:00 am- 7:00 pm
LOCATION: Kuppelsaal, TU Wien
ADDRESS: Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, 4th Floor
Our Host
What to expect
TEDxTUWien Talks
- Innovative Ideas
- Sustainability
- Science and Technology
- Society and Humanities
- Economy and Development
Introducing our main partner
TEDxTUWien would like to thank our main partner this year! The following section is German only.
Wiener Stadtwerke
Unser Hauptsponsor ist heute mit Fachexpert*innen vor Ort und hat spannende Projekte aus den Bereich Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit mit dabei. Die Wiener Stadtwerke setzen in ihren Ausbildungen Virtual Reality als Unterstützung ein, beispielsweise bei den Triebwagenführer*innen der Wiener Linien. Das spart zeitliche Ressourcen, senkt den Materialverbrauch und lässt mehr Fahrzeuge für den Fahrgästebetrieb in Wien zur Verfügung. Schau vorbei und probiere heute live vor Ort das VR-Training in der Ausstellungs-Area im 1. Stock aus!

"Die Wiener Stadtwerke Gruppe ist in den Bereichen Mobilität, Energie, Bestattung und Friedhöfe sowie Informationstechnologie treibende Kraft für die Klimawende. Gerade in der urbanen Infrastruktur gibt es viele Ansatzpunkte, nachhaltige und ressourcenschonende Prozesse zu etablieren. Dafür sind wir immer auf der Suche nach engagierten Klimapionier*innen, die mit uns Wien am Laufen halten und klimafit für die Zukunft machen. Es freut uns, gemeinsam beim TEDxTUWien 2022 die bestehenden und zukünftigen Herausforderungen, aber vor allem die einhergehenden Chancen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit zu beleuchten" so Peter Weinelt, Generaldirektor-Stellvertreter der Wiener Stadtwerke.
Detailed Schedule
Check-In & EXPO
10:00 – 11:00
- Check-In: Foyer, ground floor
- Exposition: Boecklsaal and Festsaal, 1st floor
We have a variety of food prepared for you! There are plenty of choices, and vegan and vegetarian options included.
This year's exhibitors and interactive showcases include our partners, TU Wien Space Team, TU Wien Racing Team, the Pepper Robot, and many more.
Session 1
11:00 – 12:30
Kuppelsaal, 4th floor
Lunch Break & EXPO
12:30 – 14:00
- Food and drinks: Prechtlsaal, ground floor
- Exposition: Boecklsaal and Festsaal, 1st floor,
see details
Session 2
14:00 – 16:00
Kuppelsaal, 4th floor
Coffee Break & EXPO
16:00 – 17:00
- Coffee and snacks: Prechtlsaal, ground floor
- Exposition: Boecklsaal and Festsaal, 1st floor,
see details
Session 3
17:00 – 19:00
Kuppelsaal, 4th floor
End & After-Party
19:00 – 23:00
We kindly invite you to take the opportunity to network with the speakers, the performers and the other visitors!
Faulmanngasse 2, 1040 Wien
Exhibitors and Activities
1st floor
- Deloitte
- EFS Consulting
- Zeitgeber
- WaldWand
- Pepper Robot
- Capsule Rent
- Brainhero
- TU Wien Space Team
- 2023 wall of challenges
1st floor
- Wiener Stadtwerke
- City Riddler
- One Two Beer
- TU Wien Racing Team
- SENNsenn
- If I knew I couldn't FAIL, I would...
- Speakers' mailbox
Event Area Maps
Ground Floor
The warddrobe is located at the entrance (Foyer) and the food area in Prechtlsaal.

1st Floor
Find the exhibition area in Boecklsaal and Festsaal in the first floor.

4th Floor
The main event area is in Kuppelsaal, on the fourth floor. Use the elevator to get there.

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